StereoTool v3
The Complete Stereo Imaging And Analysis Tool
offers ultra-precise control of input gain and individual pan for left
and right channels, accurate visual feedback reflecting the signal
content with; a vector scope, PPM meters for inputs/outputs, phase
correlation meter permanently monitoring the signal and individual left
and right polarity reversal – No dongle or registration required – 100%
- Input Gain controls for adjusting the level for left and right channels before processing
- Phase inversion of the incoming signal on left and right channels
- Individual panning control for left and right channels
- Vector Scope Display providing accurate visual feedback reflecting the signal stereo image content graphically.
- Global Stereo Width and Pan settings providing precise management of the stereo signal.
- PPM meters for both input and output gain
- Phase correlation meter permanently monitor the signal.
- Open Sound Control Support
- Preset/Parameter slots
- To
enhance the workflow the two Preset/Parameter slots, A and B, can be
loaded with two full set of parameters at the same time. Apart from
saving each preset, a “Global Preset” containing both the A and B
settings, and the position of the “Morphing Slider”, can be saved.
- Parameter Morphing Slider with Automation
The Morphing Slider provides morphing between the parameter settings of
slot A/B allowing for really creative and useful real-time tweaking.
Enabling the Automation control button exposes the Morphing Slider to
the host automation.
Flux:: Plugin Specifications
OS Compatibility
- Windows – 7 SP1, 8.1 and 10, all in 64 bits only.
- Mac OS X (Intel) – All versions from 10.7.5 (64bit only)
Hardware Specification
A graphic card fully supporting OpenGL 2.0 is required.
- Windows:
If your computer has an ATi or NVidia graphics card, please assure the
latest graphic drivers from the ATi or NVidia website are installed.
- Mac OS X: OpenGL 2.0 required – Mac Pro 1.1 & Mac Pro 2.1 are not supported.