Dr. Speaker Blower presents Lusus, a simple but powerful
virtual analogue synthesizer with a total of 16 voices. It is powered by 4
oscillators per voice (2 analogue and 2 digital - where you draw the waveform),
1 multimode filter (LP, HP, BP, Notch and Peak), 2 envelopes and 1 LFO. There´s
also a wavescope where you can see the synthesizer´s output waveform (and its
changes) in real time. Powerful effects section with OuraDrive (now also
available as a separate vst plugin), Chorus and Delay. The tandem
filter-ouradrive-chorus works particulary well, being the responsable for the
synthesizer´s fat and warm sound. Lusus is completely automatable, has 32
presets onboard and is a free stand alone application (PC only) and/or a PC VST